(yet another) temporary/disposable email service

(yet another) temporary/disposable email service

For those of you not following our Twitter account, there's a new temporary/disposable email site we sponsor at https://cs.email/. It's basically the exact same thing as guerrillamail.com (actually, they're hosting it), but it includes alternative domains that are more likely to not yet be banned on any signup pages. Also, ours includes a .torify.net to make the whole thing even more anonymous.

We purchased the 'cs.email' domain last year because it was neat, and for a two-letter domain it was dirt cheap. With most TLDs, two-letter domains usually go for thousands of dollars. 

Of course, once we had the domain we couldn't figure out what the hell to do with it. As far as privacy/security is concerned, e-mail is dead. Sure there's PGP for encryption, but even with browser addons like Mailvelope, it's still not very friendly for non-techies. At first we were considering doing something similar to ProtonMail, but that doesn't really solve the inherit privacy/security issues in the protocols that email uses. ProtonMail provides end-to-end encryption, but that only works when sending email from one ProtonMail user to another. If you send an email to anyone else on the internet, unless you're using something like PGP, that person's email provider (or any relay/route in-between) will be able to read that email. With a proper TLS setup, the recipient's mail server would still be able to read that email.

So instead of trying to figure out a similar-but-compatible private/secure thing for email, we just slapped together the temporary/disposable email thing.

As with guerrillamail.com, sharklasers.com, spam4.me, etc., the same privacy rules apply to our cs.email service. If someone knows the name of the account/inbox, they can see emails going to it since no password is used. If you plan on signing up at cryptostorm using one of the payment methods where the token gets delivered via email (like CoinPayments.net), then you should use the scrambled address cs.email provides, since those are unique enough that it's highly unlikely anyone would be able to guess them by the time you get your token (and delete the welcome email). 
Just make sure you don't accidentally close your browser, otherwise you won't be able to get back that scrambled address.

Also as with the above services, emails that are received automatically get deleted after one hour. 

Sending has been disabled for this service. It now can only be used for receiving emails.

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